We left Utilla on the early ferry at 6:30am. One of the guys the Nicole dove with was also heading to Nicaragua with a friend of his so we all kind of stuck together as travel buddies. Once we hit La Ceiba, we caught a taxi to the bus terminal and hopped an eight hour bus to Tegucigalpa. Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, was a trip to say the least. Coming into town we saw houses and slums(I think) on the sides of the mountains and hills that surrounded the town. It reminded me of the movies I've seen that show the slums of Rio De Janeiro only on a smaller scale. Once we got into town and off of the bus, we took a cab to our hotel(hostel) near the city center. We checked in and went looking for some dinner. We didn't want to seem like we were tagging along with the other couple so we went out a little before them. Funny thing is, we all ended up at the same spots! McDonalds(Nicole) and Burger King(me) I know it sounds bad to eat fast food when you're on a trip in a different country, but when you're in a place where you have absolutely no idea if you will like the food that you ordered, it's nice to go eat where you know exactly what you're getting and how it will taste. And that you like it! So, fast food it was. The next morning we woke up bright and early and caught a cab to a completely different bus terminal across town and headed for the border. We had to go to a different bus terminal as not all buses arrive and depart from the same terminal. Sometimes, depending on your destination, you have to get off of one bus and make an independent connection at a different terminal. Confusing, right? Luckily, the locals have always been very helpful. Once we hit the border, it was time for exit fees and entrance fees. We paid a couple dollars to leave Honduras then we paid thirteen dollars each to get into Nicaragua. The most we've paid yet. Then, about a hundred into the country, we had to pay another dollar for some other tax. This is the first country that has done this. We would later find out that this is fairly common. We will be going somewhere and there will be an "entrance fee" of a dollar or so. It's kind of a bummer as I felt like we were getting extorted at the border. I know it's only a buck but you get tired of the feeling that you're getting ripped off. Also, they say Nicaragua is the next Costa Rica. Well they're quickly learning how to be efficient at getting money out of tourists. This is quickly becoming the most expensive country we've been to. Belize was only slightly more expensive. If you really want cheap, go to Guatemala. It's the new Nicaragua. Okay, I'm done with my little rant.
Once we got past our little shakedown, we boarded the only bus in sight which took us to the closest little border town possible. From there, we transferred buses and headed for Esteli. It was here that we lost our friends for a bit. The bus was pulling out of the terminal and was literally waiting for Nicole to come back from the restroom so that we could leave. For some reason our friends didn't get on. They just stood there. As soon as Nicole got on, the bus took off and we waved goodbye. We saw them later and they explained that they felt rushed and were confused. Turns out they caught an express bus to Esteli and beat us there. We met up with them right when we got off of our bus and, again, went our separate ways. The hostels we wanted to stay in were different places. So, we parted ways. We were sure we would run into them later. We went to the hostel we wanted to stay at and it turned out to be full. So we went to the next cheapest place. Full. Then another. Too expensive. We hiked all over that stupid town with heavy packs looking for a place but they were all either full, or cost double what we wanted to pay. After taking a break and getting some dinner(pizza), we hiked back down to a place that had been "closed for dinner" to see if they had any vacancies. Luckily, we got a room but you get what you pay for. The room was very cheap, but so was the owner. The room was literally the worst room I have ever stayed in. Including some pretty bad places in Southeast Asia. Also, they turned the showers off in the evening to save money on water. I was not a happy camper. That day was not the welcome I had expected from Nicaragua and I was more than a little upset. Nicole and I decided that we had had enough of Esteli and would head to the Northwest corner of Nicaragua to a tiny village called jiquilillo(Hee-Koo-Lee-Oh) There was supposed to be good surf and a quiet little hippy-ish hostel called Rancho Esperanza. The next morning we checked out around 6:30am(sans shower) and made our way to the bus station. We were on our way to get away from it all.....
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